How we do things…

Placing clients at the heart of our business is the cornerstone to our approach - without you there is no us.

Click provides a personal, bespoke offering with a straightforward approach - to listen and execute an unrivalled service.

The company is owner-managed which ensures we go that extra mile to maintain a caring, long term relationship with our customers. We understand that we are, in many ways, an extension of your business and therefore we strive to be personable, courteous and professional when interacting with your clients.

Whether it’s a few shots of a pied-à-terre, a night shoot or aerial photography we will provide the very best results to put your marketing over and above the competition. The focus very much on hitting the brief, not company targets.

Having an appreciation and understanding of the property market is also key and having a background in marketing and selling properties enables Click to see through agency eyes as well the lens.


“Chris and the Click Team were extremely professional, methodical and detailed orientated throughout the entire process.

Chris was able to explain the rationale behind the floorplan measurements and was very proactive answering any of our questions.

Thank you for your hard work.” - Recent client